How-to Create an Email Marketing Campaign

Learn how to create an email marketing campaign to improve your lead generation, start more sales conversations, and get more customers.

Process Overview | Email Marketing

Process Overview for Email Marketing

Step 1: Email Brief

List of Services

Want us to set it up and train you? Schedule a 30-min intake meeting with us, and we'll get you started.

Step 3: Email Template Configuration

We use Hubspot email marketing. We stick to the free version and schedule our emails manually. However, there are lots of email marketing tools available. Below is a how-to for Hubspot and links to getting started guides for other email marketing tools.

Alternative Email Marketing Platforms

Click on the platform to setup your account.
Want us to set it up and train you? Schedule a 30-min intake meeting with us, and we'll get you started.

Step 4: Launch

Each platform is a little different. Depending on which platform you chose, the help guides should get you started. If not, contact us.
Want us to set it up and train you? Schedule a 30-min intake meeting with us, and we'll get you started.

Step 5: Review

Each platform is a little different. Depending on which platform you chose, the help guides should get you started. If not, contact us.

Other Marketing 
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